I am just now peeking my head out of physical, emotional and creative hibernation. If we know each other in real life or even if you follow me on social media, you may know that my father passed away back in March. It's been the most difficult season adjusting to his absence, dealing with all of those post-death projects and navigating some difficult family members.
My dad, Jimmie, was a character to say the least... silly, complicated, creative, and very loved. He taught me how to tape off and paint a room properly, how to drive a car and how to fish. We shared a borderline-obsessive love for our pets as well as a thin spot in the middle of our eyebrows. I do understand now that I'll be saying goodbye to him for the rest of my life.

Thanks to my dad, I skipped over that typical part of the story where artists talk about how unsupportive their parents were when they began to consider pursuing a career in something creative. On the contrary, my dad encouraged me, and as lost and indecisive as I was at seventeen-years-old, I needed that strong "go get um" reassurance from him. I hope every creative person has a Jimmie in their lives to rally behind them.

Much to my surprise, an interview I did with Tina Locurto at the York Dispatch made the front page of the paper! I would have missed it altogether if it weren't for my Papaw who might be the only person I know that still reads the newspaper everyday religiously.
My friend Susan pushed me to pick up a few copies before the end of the day, and I made sure to pick up a copy for my dad. I know he would have wanted one too if he were still here.
So all this to say: I'm okay, I'm nearly back and I'm stretching my creative muscles once again. If you are reading this, please go hug your loved ones.